Michael Steinbacher’s talk at EU 2014 in Albuquerque from March this year is finally online:
Michael Steinbacher’s talk at EU 2014 in Albuquerque from March this year is finally online:
According to NASA, comets contain hydrocarbons:
“Also found were chemicals never seen before in comets, such as iron-bearing compounds and aromatic hydrocarbons, found in barbecue pits and automobile exhaust on Earth.”
According to the wiki link below, comets have cubic kilometers of oil almost identical to shale oil:
“Extraterrestrial oil shale
Some comets contain “massive amounts of an organic material almost identical to high grade oil shale,” the equivalent of cubic kilometers of such mixed with other material;[90] for instance, corresponding hydrocarbons were detected in a probe fly-by through the tail of Comet Halley during 1986.[91]”
The above statement seems somewhat ambiguous. It could refer to individual comets containing cubic kilometers of oil, or many comets. Either way, each cubic kilometer of oil would be 8 billion barrels. Because they use the plural there must be at least two cubic kilometers, if the article is accurate.
The paper linked below was sponsored by the US government. It does have a disclaimer from the US government.
The paper supposes comets are composed largely of ice, contrary to EU concepts. That being said, the caption under the image of comet Halley claims there might be 500 years of OPEC production on Comet Halley. I think that’s about 4 trillion barrels. That’s about the same as the Green River Basin in the western US.
The paragraph concerning Halley’s tail claims there are hydrocarbons almost identical to oil shale. This info from a satellite fly bye.
Under the heading of Other “Nearby” Periodic comets it claims all 150 comets are rich in hydrocarbons and water ice.
From the Electric Universe perspective i wonder if some of the water ice might not be hydroxyl.