EU Geology


The actions of electric forces in the universe and on the planets of the solar system [Otte 2008] have an impact on our understanding of the origin and evolution of planet Earth and in particular about its surface. New explanations for geological processes are conceivable. On the following pages it is not the aim to replace the existing geological model, the aim is to expand the existing geological toolbox and explanations with electrically induced ideas. One reason such an extension is necessary for the geological standard model are the still unexplained enormous quantities of catastrophically accumulated remains of animals and plants and much more, as they were vividly illustrated in the still current classic Earth in Upheaval [Velikovsky 1955]. Another focus are the scenarios that can be derived from Worlds in Collision [Velikovsky 1950]. The study of the geological aspects of the Electric Universe has been for several years the passion of the American photographer Michael Steinbacher [2011]. The following considerations are of course still highly hypothetical, the research on the geology of the electric universe has just begun.

The Standard Model
Rock Metamorphism
The Dolomite Problem
Alternative mountain formation
External granite
Electrical current flow on Earth
External basalt
Chronological considerations


Otte, Andreas (2008): Das Elektrische Universum. Eine Übersicht. Teil I; in Zeitensprünge 20 (2) 478-497

– (2012): Geologie des Elektrischen Universum. Eine Einführung; in Zeitensprünge 24 (2) 475-504

Steinbacher, Michael (2011): A new Approach to Mountain Formation; in Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance. 18th Annual Conference of the NPA, 6 – 9 July 2011 at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA; Mt. Airy, 584-590

Velikovsky, Immanuel (1950): Worlds in Collision, Cutchogue

Velikovsky, Immanuel (1955): Earth in Upheaval, Garden City

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