Chronological considerations


The geology of the electric universe offers many new ways to produce rock directly on the surface in any shape and composition. Scenarios traditionally considered to be absurd can be made plausible with this model. But the new possibilities also push the events that shaped the surface of Earth closer to us in time.

Are dates gathered by so-called scientific dating methods a counterargument to these considerations? In addition to general methodological problems with those methods, the “clocks” of scientific dating methods would be rendered chaotic by electrical effects. Electrical Transmutations contradict essential assumptions of these methods. If one moves into an electric universe, one has to keep distance from the results of these methods.

So when could electrical effects have produced rocks? When might such a sloshing scenario have taken place the last time? Were such actions at all survivable for humans? If one takes the legends of many people seriously, then something like this must have happened during the time of mankind’s existence, and it must have left a few survivors who returned from deep caves to the surface. Immanuel Velikovsky notes, based on Herodotus, four inversions of the sunrise location [Velikovsky 1950, 105] as well as flooding from the north [71, 188], stones falling from the sky [51, 141], empty oceans [83], earthquakes [63], electrical discharges [85], longer days [45] and nights [59], high winds [68] and much more fitting this scenario nicely. Velikovsky’s date is around -1450, with the last actions coming up on -687. He connects these events with the Exodus narratives of the Old Testament and Joshua up to the prophecies of Isaiah. He then collates similar legends from around the world.

In the short chronology, this range of events would be compressed to the period from -630 to about -550 [Heinsohn 1991, 50]. Gunnar Heinsohn sees, based on Claude Schaeffer’s findings, five layers of destruction in the Near East region [Heinsohn 1990, 18], the last one around -630, the first probably around -1100. Overall, these detected disaster layers provide relatively weak support for the scenario described by Velikovsky. Only detailed simulations, analogous to the work of Fracek, could show whether in a sloshing situation the Alps and their foothills to the east could have served as adequate shielding to prevent immense destruction in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Only such a result would allow at all, and then only to some extent, to put sloshing-disasters in the first millennium BC. Then of course signs of these activities north of the Alps must be found. This is a big area for future reconnaissance. The Olymipa-Tsunami [Anwander/Illig, 725-727] from around -600 would fit into the scheme. Currently it would only be conceivable that a sloshing event has happened in the short chronology around -1500, and thus it would precede every known civilization development worth mentioning. A following electrical event would have created stone from the sloshed material and obscured many hints. The link to the Exodus catastrophe would then have to be regarded as a transfer of the old experiences/legends to current, less catastrophic events.

That which is now during excavations regarded as grown, archaeologically sterile soil could then under these conditions be the result of a sloshing event. Below the layers traces of people might still be found. This would offer an option to explain some of the many irregular objects found [Ercivan, 247-274] that come, in today’s perspective, from a time frame where man has not existed. These include finds of human remains with modern physiognomy and tools [Brandt], partly associated with the remains of long extinct species under layers considered to be several millions of years old according to rules of present geological art. It is abundantly clear that geology has a major problem with the dates it provides. Main geological processes are not understood and lead to erroneous interpretations.

In 1862 in the journal The Geologist, the following brief message appeared [Cremo, 454]:

In Macoupin County, Illionis, the bones of a man were recently found on a coal-bed capped with two feet of slate rock, ninety feet below the surface of the earth … The bones, when found, were covered with a crust or coating of hard glossy matter, as black as coal itself, but when scraped away left the bones white and natural.

Here human bones were lying under a layer of slightly metamorphic rock and above a coal layer. How did the bones get there? By what process were they affected? And when? This leads directly to the question of what alternative options there are for the development of coal and oil in an electric universe.


Anwander, Gerhard / Illig, Heribert (2011): Jahrtausend-Katastrophen. Unwetter, Tsunamis und Impakte in Europa; in Zeitensprünge 23 (3) 722-734

Brandt, Michael (2011): Vergessene Archäologie. Steinwerkzeuge fast so alt wie Dinosaurier, Holzgerlingen

Cremo, Michael A. / Thompson, Richard L. (1993): Forbidden Archeology, Badger

Ercivan, Erdogan (2009): Missing Link der Archäologie. Verheimlichte Funde, gefälschte Museumsexponate und als Betrüger entlarvte Archäologen, Rottenburg

Heinsohn, Gunnar (1990): Flutzerstörungen in den Stratigraphien Mesopotamiens und Ägyptens. Ihre Datierungen in der evidenzgebundenen Chronologie; in Zeitensprünge 2 (2/3) 6-21

Heinsohn, Gunnar (1991): Stratigraphische Chronologie Israels; in Zeitensprünge 3 (5) 37-52

Velikovsky, Immanuel (1950): Worlds in Collision, Cutchogue

Velikovsky, Immanuel (1955): Earth in Upheaval, Garden City

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